In the office, we are all trying to be healthier, better versions of ourselves. We’re all making better choices, not just because of summer, but because we want to feel better about ourselves. We are all so busy at the CGD HQ that you might think we don’t have time to workout and eat right, but with the right tools, anything is possible.
There’s one app I use every day to stay in shape, the Sweat With Kayla app, it’s a no-brainer and just makes my life so much easier, so I wanted to share why I love it with everyone else who might be trying to get in shape this year…
1. You need to save time
If you want to be healthier or just make better choices you do need to dedicate a bit of time to it, but the less time you have to spend thinking about it, the better. Sweat With Kayla lets you customize your weekly menu based on dietary requirements and also gives you a workout schedule. It does all the thinking for you and then gives you a handy weekly grocery list. It does everything except go to the supermarket and buy your groceries for you, giving you a lot less to think about!
2. You get everything you need
Your daily meals are balanced, so you know you’re getting the right amounts of everything you need. When you’re doing HIIT, weight training food supports your workouts. The app is designed to recommend food based on what exercises you are doing so you know you’re getting the right foods that will make you feel good. I’m full for longer too, because the meal plan includes small portions a day that have the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats!
3. You need to meal prep
Meal prep can be fun if you’ve got the right support. This app makes it easy, you only need to put aside some time to prep what you need to take with you to the office for example, but what I tend to do is choose the same lunches two days in a week and prepare extra, and do my groceries on Saturday or Sunday with the list the app gives you.
4. Add workouts for every fitness level
The app has a mixture of workouts and you can choose them to suit your lifestyle, for example, you can do yoga, follow Kayla’s famous BBG guides (which are only 30 mins of exercise a day) and even choose settings like ‘Post Pregnancy BBG’. So you know the workouts will not only give you results (especially as you’re eating the right things!) but that they support your lifestyle. I personally enjoy working out every morning before work, there are some tough exercises but nothing impossible, Find more information about the app here.
Let me know what apps you swear by for getting in shape in the comments below!
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These all sound great!
Izzy |
I definitely need to try this app! I’m moving soon and won’t have access to a gym, or can afford a membership! I love doing home workouts, especially when you can really feel the benefits x
Abi | abistreetx
interesting app! Thanks for sharing =o)
This app sounds perfect for me – I’m so lazy! Thank you for your review :)
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