Wondering how to achieve your goals? Well with these four hacks you might be in a better position to smash your goals and set yourself up for success. Stop setting yourself goals that you can’t smash and instead achieve your goals by hacking your goal-setting techniques and making a proper plan to achieve everything you want!
Here are four life hacks you need to try when you’ve got ambitious goals but you don’t know how to achieve them!
Start with your fears
Your fears will lead you to what you should really be doing. Is there something that you’re putting off, waiting for the right moment? Is there something that scares the sh*t out of you? That’s where you need to point your compass. Instead of setting goals, set fears.
Write down what you’re afraid of and think of ways to break those fears. How can you avoid disaster? How can you overcome the fear of failure?
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Get rid of those dirty words
Words like, good, fine, and okay are banished from here on out. If you want to smash your goals, nothing you do is good, you’re never just fine, and it’s not okay. You aren’t okay with a job you hate or fine with a relationship that’s not going anywhere. Those things aren’t good enough for you, and the words you use about them make you believe that it’s all…well…fine. When it’s not.
It’s another level of goal procrastination. Telling yourself things are fine the way they are now. Why would you want to change things? You don’t want to shake things up too much, right? Well, instead of saying things are good, and you’re fine, think about where you’d be if things were great, and you were incredibly happy? What does that life look like and why aren’t you leading it?
Always be curious
Whenever you have a plan, obstacles arise. Whether that’s your own self-discipline or something at work that you just cannot avoid – approach every bump in the road as something to be curious about. For example, you’re planning a shoot for Friday but your photographer backed out and none of the replacements are free. It’s not worth the stress-induced-meltdown you might be tempted to have. That wouldn’t get you any further to the goal. Instead, approach it with curiosity.
This is a puzzle you need to solve, an obstacle you need to work your way around. How are you going to do it? What magic rabbit are you going to pull out of your hat? The answer is always already within you, it’s about trusting yourself to deal with obstacles as soon as they arise.
Don’t forget the near wins
J.K Rowling had so many rejection letters before Harry Potter was published. Rather than a failure, each rejection was a near win, a testament that someone had read the book, that an agent had received it, that it had been on the desk at a publishing house. Behind every great win, there are countless near wins. Times when you’re so close, so close, but not quite there.
Success isn’t commitment to one goal, it’s dedication. Each time you nearly, but-not-quite, get there, take heart. It’s not a failure, it’s a near-win, so what can you adjust to make the next time just a little bit closer?